Publishing policies

Hepatología adheres to the guidelines established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Equator Network (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Records) to ensure the quality and integrity of the manuscripts. The journal accepts unpublished articles that have not been submitted for publication to another journal. In all cases, the authors must comply with the ethics of publication practices in terms of authorship, duplication of previously published results, plagiarism, manipulation of results, conflict of interests and ethical policies for human research. Manuscripts that present substantial similarity with others already published will be removed from the editorial process. The publication of the manuscripts does not generate any cost for the authors. 

Peer review process

All manuscripts that are sent to Hepatología, as part of the editorial process, are subjected to evaluation by external peers, under the double-blind modality. The peer reviewers are the ones who determine whether the articles are accepted, with or without changes, or rejected. Hepatología guarantees that this process is confidential.

Open access policy

Manuscripts published in Hepatología can be downloaded free of charge from the OJS platform, under the Creative Commons license, specifically the Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND). This allows third parties to copy, distribute and include the article in a collective work, as long as there is no commercial purpose, the article is not altered or modified, and the original work and its first publication in this journal are properly cited.

Retraction guidelines

Hepatología publishes retractions following the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( By retracting articles, readers are informed about the content or erroneous data, voluntary or involuntary, in the manuscripts. The retraction will apply for cases where there is plagiarism, duplicate publications, use of material with copyright infringement or without the appropriate attribution, unethical research, and in any other demonstrable situation that affects the ethics and integrity of scientific publications, in accordance with the guidelines established by COPE.

CrossMark policy

Hepatología uses CrossMark to keep its readers informed about any changes in the published articles. CrossMark is an initiative of CrossRef to provide a way to locate the official and updated version of a document. Hepatología recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of academic records for researchers and libraries, and therefore ensures that their electronic files always have reliable content. Clicking on the CrossMark icon provides the reader with information about the history of that publication. The contents that display the CrossMark icon are those published on the journal online platform.

Copyright notice

Hepatología authorship recognition policy is based on the criteria indicated by the ICMJE to grant credit while attributing responsibility for the publication to a person. For this, a signed statement must be sent to the journal, stating that each author meets the authorship criteria and is responsible for the content to be published. Additionally, the authors are responsible for obtaining the permissions to partially reproduce text, tables or figures from other publications or, failing that, for providing the basic information to obtain the permission through the journal. The inclusion or withdrawal of authors after the editorial process has started is not accepted.

The author retains the copyright and assigns to the journal Hepatología the right of first publication, then may share the final article, reuse the material in new works and include it in an institutional repository or personal pages, without permission with acknowledgment of the original published article.

Ethical aspects of human studies and confidentiality

For research studies in humans and clinical cases, the authors must have informed consent of the patients, in writing, for their participation in the study and publication, reproduction and dissemination of the results. Similarly, they must have the approval by the Ethics Committee of the institution where they carried out the study, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 8430 of 1993 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Colombia, and under the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and COPE. They must also have the permission to access the clinical records.

The authors are responsible for guaranteeing the privacy of the patients included in the research studies or case reports, by protecting their identity both in the text and in the images. Authors should not use in the manuscript names, initials, clinical records or any other data that could identify the patient. Hepatología only accepts original articles with clinical trials that have been registered in accordance with the policies of the World Health Organization (WHO) and ICMJE. The identification number must be included at the end of the abstract in the manuscript.

Privacy statement

Personal information collected from the authors will be used exclusively for editorial purposes and will not be available to any other person or institution.

Conflict of interest

Hepatología adopts the ICMJE declaration of potential conflict of interest (, with some modifications. A form will be e-mailed to the correspondence author, once the manuscript has been approved, to be filled out and signed by each of the authors. Articles will only be published when forms from all authors have been received.

Conflict of interest is considered to exist when the author had or has economic, professional or personal relationships, at the time of writing or submitting the manuscript, with people or institutions that may have improperly influenced the objectivity or validity of the study, or the analysis and interpretations included in the text, which must be declared in the manuscript to be published.


The authors are responsible for obtaining the permissions to partially reproduce text, tables or figures from other publications or, failing that, for providing the basic information to obtain the permission through the journal.