Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: presentation of four cases and a brief review of the literature


  • Christian Melgar-Burbano Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo
  • Silvana Jiménez-Salazar Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo
  • Kenny Buitrago-Toro Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo
  • Linda Melgar-Burbano Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo



portal hypertension, portal system, thrombosis, vascular disease.


Portal hypertension is a hemodynamic syndrome of the portal venous circulation that causes multiple life-threatening complications due to the alterations generated in the splanchnic and systemic circulation. In recent decades, the presence of portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis has been identified with a characteristic vasculopathy phenomenon. This condition can be classified as pre-hepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic, according to the location of the involvement, identified by hemodynamic studies. Four case reports of patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension secondaryto portal thrombosis are presented. Additionally, a brief review of the literature is included, with emphasis in the two most frequent causes of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension; chronic portal venous thrombosis and portosinusoidal vascular disease.


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Author Biographies

Christian Melgar-Burbano, Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo

Médico, Especialista en Medicina Interna y Gastroenterología, Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo. Neiva, Colombia.

Silvana Jiménez-Salazar, Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo

Médica, Especialista en Medicina Interna. Grupo de investigación MI Dneuropsy, Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo. Neiva, Colombia.

Kenny Buitrago-Toro, Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo

Médico, Especialista en Medicina Interna. Grupo de investigación MI Dneuropsy, Universidad Surcolombiana, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo. Neiva, Colombia.

Linda Melgar-Burbano, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo

Médica General, Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo. Neiva, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Melgar-Burbano, C., Jiménez-Salazar, S., Buitrago-Toro, K., & Melgar-Burbano, L. (2021). Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: presentation of four cases and a brief review of the literature. Hepatología, 2(2), 380–391.



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