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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor sent to any other journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text must be written doubled-spaced with 12-point font. Italics must be used rather than underlining. All images, figures, and tables are placed after the reference list, and are submitted separately in high resolution digital format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, below.

Author Guidelines

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Manuscript preparation

Hepatología adheres to the Recommendations for the Conduct, Report, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (updated in May 2022), established by the ICMJE to guarantee the creation and distribution of manuscripts of quality, integrity and with ethical principles. For more information, you can access the webpage

For the presentation of the articles, the following structure should be applied; presentation page, abstract, keywords, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, figures and legends.

Presentation page

A title of the article in Spanish and English must be included. The title must be concise, informative and without abbreviations. The full name of each author must also be included, followed by the abbreviation of the highest academic rank, in order of citation. Institutional affiliation, highest academic degree, current position, city and country must relate to the authors with superscript numbers. For the correspondence author, who will be in constant communication with EDIMECO, the e-mail address, correspondence address and a telephone number must be included. In addition, a paragraph must be added stating whether or not there are conflicts of interest.

Abstract and keywords

The manuscript must include a structured abstract in Spanish and English, which summarizes the main points of the manuscript and its purpose. Each abstract can have a maximum length of 250 words and should not include references or acronyms. For original articles or systematic reviews, the abstract should be structured under the following subtitles: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion. Narrative review articles should include an abstract with the background, recent findings and the purpose of the review.

Four to eight keywords must be included, both in English and Spanish. For this purpose, accessing the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) of the Index of Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), available on the website, is recommended. You can also consult the MeSH terms for English words at


People, institutions or companies that collaborated with the work are cited. Likewise, original articles must include the source of funding and any other support received.


References must conform to the international standards established by the Vancouver Group (Vancouver Tutorial - Vancouver Style Guide - LibGuides at UCD Library). References must be placed at the end of the article and are ordered numerically according to the order of citation, typed within the text in Arabic numbers and in square brackets. If tables or figure captions have references, they should be numbered according to the order of citation in the text. If electronic reference programs are used, it is suggested to attach the file.

For citing references, it is recommended to access the complete list of citations available at Below are some examples.

Articles from scientific journals

Martínez-Casas OY, Díaz-Ramírez GS, Marín-Zuluaga JI, Muñoz-Maya O, Santos O, Donado-Gómez JH, Restrepo-Gutiérrez JC. Differential characteristics in drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis. JGH Open 2018;2:97-104. doi:10.1002/jgh3.12054.

Electronic articles

Mehmood R, Muhammed RK, Hussain S, Sana A. Evaluation of di-potassium and tri-potassium EDTA evacuated tubes for routine haematological testing. J Clin Lab Anal 2018;32:1-4. Epub February 21 2017. doi:10.1002/jcla.22188.


Rosenstein BJ, Fosarelli PD. Pediatric pearls: The handbook of practical pediatrics. 3rd ed. St Louis; Mosby. 1997.

Book chapters

Knight JA, Kjeldsberg CR. Cerebroespinal, sinovial, and serous body fluids. In: McPherson RA, Pincus MR, eds. Henry´s clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods. 21st ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2007. p. 426-454.

Web pages

International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Laboratorios clínicos. Requisitos particulares para la calidad y la competencia (ISO 15189:2007). Accessed October 17 2017. Available at:

Tables and figures

Tables and charts must be named "Table." They must include new information and not what is already expressed in the text.

The images, graphs and flowcharts must be named "Figure". The original files of the images and figures must be sent separately in high resolution digital image format (TIFF or JPG). They are accepted in color or black and white. If using unpublished or published material by other authors, an authorization by the copyright holder should be attached with the respective credits. Patients in photographs or their names must not be identifiable, and their consent is required. In microscopic preparations, the type of coloration and magnification should be mentioned. When using symbols, arrows, numbers or letters within the image, they must be clearly explained in the figure caption, after the description of the image.

Tables should be cited in the text as table 1, table 2, etc. The figures should be cited in the same order.

Editorial process

Manuscripts can be submitted through the website following the link Submissions. The author must register to enter directly to the OJS platform and follow the required steps; there are tutorials available on our website. The use of this platform allows the author to track the status of the manuscript throughout the editorial process. The sender must keep a copy of the manuscript; EDIMECO does not assume responsibility for non-receipt or loss of the manuscript during the evaluation and editing process.

An e-mail will be sent to the correspondence author to confirm receipt, and the manuscript will be assessed for plagiarism and duplication through the iThenticate® software. The material for consideration will be evaluated by the Editorial Board for provisional approval based on relevance and quality. A declaration of responsibility and transfer of copyright form will be e-mailed to be completed by each author. The manuscripts that continue the editing process will be evaluated by external peers, under double blind modality. Hepatología guarantees that this process is confidential.

Once the journal has received the comments from the peers, a communication will be sent to the correspondence author so that the suggested changes can be made, if requested, within two weeks. When the manuscript has been accepted in its final version, a PDF copy of the article will be sent to the corresponding author for final review, to be returned within 48 hours. If no comments are received within the deadline, Hepatología is not responsible for any typographical, spelling or errors that are published. Similarly, the journal keeps the right to admit or not corrections made by the author to the proof material.

Hepatología reserves the right to accept or reject submitted manuscripts and will make the changes in style and grammar it deems necessary, as well as make suggestions that considers may improve the presentation and quality of the manuscript. In all cases, the authors are responsible for the ideas, judgments, opinions, approach, accuracy and all aspects expressed in the manuscript.


They are brief manuscripts on topics of national or international interest, or related to the articles published in the corresponding issue of Hepatología. It is requested by the Editor-in-Chief or the Editorial Board.

Review articles

Review articles are characterized by a careful bibliographic search. They may include sections such as introduction, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (with emphasis on laboratory tests and their interpretation) and conclusions. The use of algorithms to clarify diagnostic procedures is encouraged, as well as the use of tables and figures that facilitate reading and understanding of the text.

Original articles

They must be presented as introduction, methodology, results, and discussion sections.
Introduction: The basis of the observation and the objective of the investigation are summarized.
Methodology: The type of study is defined, as well as the study population, inclusion and exclusion criteria, methods of information collection, statistical analysis and ethical aspects of the research study. In addition, the supplies and equipment used are indicated (with the name of the manufacturer).
Results: The findings are presented, including tables and figures, as well as their statistical value. Avoid repeating in the text the content from tables and figures.
Discussion: The most important findings of the study are highlighted in contrast to the results of other previously published research on the subject. In addition, the implications of the findings, the contributions of the study and its limitations, as well as new hypotheses or recommendations for future studies should be included.

Reflection articles

They are manuscripts in which the authors present their view on a specific topic, based on the results of their own experience or current literature.

Case reports

An introduction and background on the topic of the case report must be included, as well as the case description, clinical evolution and results of diagnostic tests. A clear diagnosis must be given and a discussion should be presented.

Letters to the Editor

It includes letters received from readers, such as comments, clarifications and contributions related to the material published in the journal. In addition, questions addressed to the Editorial Board or Editor-in-Chief are answered.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.